Rosetta Willms Therapy

Payment Policy

50-60 Minute Counseling Session

If a session runs over more than 15 minutes, the additional time will be billed at 30-minute increments. You will be expected to pay for all costs of services at the time they are provided unless special arrangements are made and noted at the end of this contract.

Telephone Time Fee
After 5 minutes of client-initiated voice-to-voice telephone time, you may be
charged at your regular fee in 15-minute increments.

Inventories or Tests
Additional Charges for inventories or tests will consist of the actual cost of the inventory or test,counselor evaluation time, and/or computer scoring service cost. All applicable fees will be explained before the inventory or test is given.

Cancellation Policy
Your appointment time is reserved for you only. Therefore, if any appointment is missed without a 24-hour cancellation or reschedule notice, the full fee will be charged for the missed session. Furthermore, if there are 2 missed sessions without 24-hour notification, services may be terminated.

Returned Checks
If a check is returned unpaid by your financial institution, this check is to be redeemed in cash for the amount of the check plus the Returned Check Fee of 25 dollars. Payment in cash will be expected for all future services.

Failure to Pay your bill may result in your name, phone number, address, and debt information being submitted to a collection agency.

I am often not available to answer the phone, therefore a 24-hour voicemail will take any non-emergency message you wish to leave. I check voicemails during the dayand will return your call as soon as possible.

Please call the Crisis Team at 1 (866) 998-2243 when I am not immediately available and your needing in person crisis intervention. If the emergency is a threat to your life or health, please call your physician, or 911, or admit yourself to a hospital for observation. If you are a Kaiser Patient please call their 24 hour hotline at 1-800-900-3277 for counseling support.